personal knowledgebase
Project maintained by breki
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Line Simplification Resources
Articles, Links
- Elmar de Koning: Polyline Simplification - contains description of psimpl that provides a variety of simplification algorithms, including the popular Douglas-Peucker approximation
- Simplify.js - JavaScript polyline simplification library that uses a combination of Douglas-Peucker and Radial Distance algorithms
- AnnaMag/Line-simplification - implementation of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm with an option of running Radial Distance prior to the DP algorithm
- topojson-simplify - filter and simplify geometries while preserving topology for smaller files and faster rendering
To Investigate
- Random point routine
- Jenks simplification
- Lang simplification
- Zhao-Saalfeld simplification
- Reumann–Witkam
- Opheim simplification